Ask a flight attendant: Is the plane’s hot water safe to drink?
We've all heard the rumors.
From getting on the plane without being forced to check your bag to finding something that’s actually edible (and TSA-approved) to eat, there’s more to flying high than just booking an aisle seat.
Cue Kendra Mills: Every month, the wellness-loving flight attendant for a major airline (sorry, our lips are sealed) answers your burning questions.
This month The Glassy’s asking:
I’ve heard that the hot water never gets cleaned on planes. Is that true?
The potable water thing: Let’s talk about that. The hot water gets super hot—like, burn-you-hot initially—so you don’t necessarily have to think about germs as much.
But because I’ve heard that stuff about the water tanks never getting cleaned—and I’ve never actually seen them clean it—I can’t say that they do or don’t. I imagine they don’t, however, because that’s one more person that they have to pay.
That said, people do drink the hot water—pilots, flight attendants. But me? Not really.
Have a burning question you want to ask? Email info AT the-glassy DOT com with your Q.